Week 4 report (June 17 to June 23)

Sections Summary
Minutes of Meeting
(Meeting date:
17 June,2020)
- Having simple and short naming conventions
- Adding/updating collector methods to handle identifiers and initializers
- Raising warnings when specific Brian component is not yet supported with standard export
- Handling multiple run()s and with build options like `build_on_run`
- Adding run_regularly and monitors
to standard exporter
- Dealing with dimension vs unit usage in dictionary representation
Tasks - Changes in current PRs as asked in review comments
- Have simple and short names for the functions/files
- Implement warning/NotImplemeneted Exception raising when encountered unsupported Brian objects
- Add collectors for identifiers and initializers
- Support multiple run()s and necessary build options
- Add run_regularly and monitors
Work done - New Exportdevice to inform Brian to run in this mode
- Made changes for PR as asked in review
- Changed naming of the files
- Raise NotImplemented error for non-supported objects
- Add collectors for identifiers and initializers
Problems or doubts
- Identifying run_regularly from CodeRunner object (currently checking object name)
- Getting ‘dt’\’clock’ from CodeRunner
- Using ‘variableview_set_with_expression_conditional’,
‘variableview_set_with_expression’ and
Issue associated brian-team/brian2tools/issues/26
Pull Request

The week was mainly on PR #31 that dealt with creating new device mode to run Brian. Now the work got lot more interesting as from now we have access to all run time variables and can use the device like other device modes (only to set device name in set_device). Referring Standalone and nmlexport were really useful to refer.

A simple usecase to run Brian in baseexport device and collect information from collectors after the PR merge,

from brian2 import *
from brian2 import baseexport

eqs = ''' dv/dt = (v_rest - v) / tau :volt '''
v_rest = -70 * mV
v_th = 0.8 * volt
tau = 10 * ms
grp = NeuronGroup(1, eqs, threshold = 'v > v_th',
                  reset = 'v = v_rest', refractory = 2 * ms,
                  method = 'euler')
run(10 * ms)

Now the information are available with neat dictionary format and to run in debug mode (to print the dictionary in stdout, we should add device.build(debug=True) and pass False to build_on_run) For example,

from brian2 import *
from brian2 import baseexport

set_device('baseexport', build_on_run=False)
eqs = ''' dv/dt = (v_rest - v) / tau :volt '''
v_rest = -70 * mV
v_th = 0.8 * volt
tau = 10 * ms
grp = NeuronGroup(1, eqs, threshold = 'v > v_th',
                  reset = 'v = v_rest', refractory = 2 * ms,
                  method = 'euler')
run(10 * ms)

The output will be a cool dictionary of information about the simulation. Although the now device looks very generalized, the Brian objects it supports are very basic (in fact only NeuronGroup and similar types). Adding initializers was a big part because, they are very flexible in Brian2 and covering all special and corner cases is very important to have standard model description.

Written on June 17, 2020