Week 12 report (August 12 to August 18)
Revisiting Human-readable export work and create mdexport
device mode.
Associated pull request: #37
To provide flexibility as well as standard representation, we decided to use a class with expand functions that can generate standard markdown text and also can be override to modify the default words and representations. That was something very satisfying and there were many insightful feedbacks from my mentor to improve the structure and wordings.
Choosing markdown was a good choice, as converting to LaTeX or pdf are very easy.
The markdown output of COBAHH example is,
Network details
The Network consists of 1 simulation run ___________________________
Duration of simulation is 1. s
Synapses defined:
From neurongroup_subgroup_1 to neurongroup
On pre of event spike statements: += executed
From neurongroup_subgroup to neurongroup
On pre of event spike statements: += executed
StateMonitor defined:
- Monitors variable: of neurongroup, for members: 1,10,100.
NeuronGroup defined:
Name neurongroup, with population size 4000.
←, where unit of is S
←, where unit of is V
←, where unit of is Hz
←, where unit of is Hz
←, where unit of is Hz
←, where unit of is rad
←, where unit of is Hz
←, where unit of is Hz
←, where unit of is S
←, where unit of is Hz
←, where unit of is rad
←, where unit of is rad
exponential_euler method is used for integration
Event spike, after , with refractory
: , : , : , : , : , : , : , : , : , : , : , :
Initializers defined:
Variable of neurongroup initialized with to all members. Identifier associated: :
Variable of neurongroup initialized with to all members
Variable of neurongroup initialized with to all members
Synaptic Connections defined:
Connection from neurongroup_subgroup to neurongroup, with probabilty
Connection from neurongroup_subgroup_1 to neurongroup, with probabilty