My GSoC story
During my junior year in Undergrad Computer Science, me and a small group of my friends had a talk
about Google Summer of Code program and we eventually decided to give a shot. When the mentoring
organization list was out, we started exploring various open source organizations. By that time, I
was more interested in Neuroscience stuffs although I don’t know anything about it. So, I checked on
the list and found INCF
(International Neuroscience Coordinating Facility), which had bunch of
sub-organizations to choose. I got pretty excited on seeing them but I wouldn’t able to understand a
pint from the project descriptions. That day, around 8 PM in night, I took my scooter and got a printout
of all project ideas listed under INCF
. After couple of days of checking, I messaged
Marcel Stimberg about my interest and he was very helpful and encouraging.
I worked on a Pull Request to fix a small bug in
. That year, although I wouldn’t able to make it, I was happy with my learning curve
and kept making some minor contributions. This year, with a little edge in familiarity, I tried to fix
some bugs that are assigned as a part of GSoC selection process and created a
Pull Request.
And hurray! I got :partying_face: selected for this year GSoC with Brian team.